<aside> 👋🏻 Clay credits are the “currency” you use to purchase different data points and actions in Clay. The average cost of a data point or action varies depending on the provider and the data point in question.

For example, the Find Email actions costs 2 credits if from Prospeo, DropContact, Datagma, or Hunter.io. However, Find Email from People Data Labs costs 5 credits - simply because we pay more money to get the same data from PDL vs. others.

The vast majority of actions in Clay are either free, or cost 1-2 credits. Some data points are harder to find and just more expensive as a result - like mobile phone numbers. While Find Mobile Number starts at 2 credits, it can cost 5 (People Data Labs), 13 (Selligence), 15 (ContactOut), or even 25 (Datagma) credits depending on the provider!


Starter options for credits on the Clay pricing page

Starter options for credits on the Clay pricing page

📖 Table of Contents

💰 How do I find the credit cost for a data point?

When you’re searching in the enrichment panel – every action has a corresponding credit cost you can see on the far right, in a green cost bubble as shown below. This green icon (or a grey one indicating free) will always indicate the cost for each action or data point.


💵 How do I see my credit spend cost for a table?

Unfortunately we don’t currently support automatic table spend credit reports (we’re working on it!). However, there is one way to get higher level analytics on your runs in clay at the moment:



P.S - We can build custom credit reports for our Enterprise customers