<aside> 1️⃣ Formatting information, inferring insights about people and companies, summarizing descriptions - ChatGPT can do it all. And when you combine it with Clay, you can do it all at scale 🔥


Table of Contents:

How to Normalize Job Titles

<aside> 🐑 As you’ve likely seen, job titles as listed on LinkedIn are not easy to reference in outbound emails. People often format this information in a way that is not conversational. For example, you likely won’t want to reach out to a prospect and say, “Hey I saw you are the CEO | AI Leader | Game changer at Clay?”

Our AI integrations help you easily transform these titles into usable and conversational pieces of information.

How to Calculate How Long A Prospect Has Been In A Position

<aside> 👨‍👨‍👧‍👦 LinkedIn shows when people start their jobs and leave their jobs, but referencing that information to score leads and use in emails is historically difficult.

With these prompts, you’ll be able to generate sentences like: “Hey Roger, I saw you’ve been at Clay for over 2 years now!”

How to Automatically Categorize a Company As B2B or B2C

<aside> 🔎 Distinguishing who the end customer is can be difficult. Most companies don’t often upfront admit “Hey, I’m a B2C business!” Use AI to infer whether the company is B2B or B2C based on company LinkedIn descriptions in seconds.

How to Normalize Locations + Isolate Just The City or State