Learn who your most invested users are and engage more deeply, using only Clay and the Github API.

1. Start a new base using the Gitter template

Selecting the Enrich your Gitter Room template and watch your new base come to life. 🌱

2. Auth into Gitter, paste in your room URL and grab your users

Right-click on the header of your action and edit action inputs to auth in and run the action. Once your data has returned, right click on users in the preview panel to copy all users to your clipboard.


3. Paste and enrich your Gitter users

To wrap up, navigate over to the Enrich Gitter Users table and ⌘ + V and Map to Fields to paste your user data. Once more, auth into your Gitter account and watch your table run 🏃🏽‍♀️.



Try out some small additions we've seen in the Clay community.

1️⃣ Take it further with some action

Tie your Gitter to Github! Most users have robust Github profiles, add the Github Get User Details action and bind it to the username to learn more about your community like bio, location, email.

2️⃣ Filter and sort to your ideal views

Change your insights without changing your data, and create views using the filter and sort features to easily compare, contrast and narrow down your data. For example, find all profiles with 100+ followers, bios that mention the word container, and locations including CA.