Look up contact information for individuals at companies fitting your ideal customer profile.
1. Start a new base using the Contact Finder template
Select the Find work contact details
template and watch your base come to life 🌱
2. Import your list of prospects
Your data already matches the template.
If your data already matches the template (i.e. has first the name split from last name and the domain for each company name), simply upload your data into the table and let it autocomplete.
2. You need to split first and last name.
Add the Clay formula column to your table and use the Split Name
formula to parse apart the name.
💡 You'll find the Split Name
formula under Common Use Cases in our cheat sheet, right here Clay Formulas Cheat Sheet.
3. You need to find the company domains
Have a list of names but no domains? Automate finding the domains the using Get Company Domain
tutorial and template right here Get from company name to domain.
Try out some small additions we've seen in the Clay community.
1️⃣ Clean up your columns
Too many columns cluttering your table? Go ahead and hide them! After running an action and extracting your attributes, feel free to hide the action columns for a cleaner, sleeker table.
2️⃣ Get a leg up by starting with your first outbound table
Still in the process of trying to build out ICPs? Get started with our outbound table and tutorial Custom enrich a list of companies to build out your list of ideal customers at scale.