Set up an enrichment flow for your user signups and see your enriched emails stream straight into Slack.

  1. Get your table up and running

    Get started with a blank table template and head on over to add a Webhook 🎣 column.

  2. Configure your webhook

  3. **Copy your endpoint URL.**To access your endpoint, click on the webhook column header and hit Copy HTTP Endpoint — your webhook is now copied to your clipboard.

  4. Connect your endpoint. Add the endpoint to your signups and send sample data to Clay. We'll use this to extract and set up your enrichments.

  5. Extract attributes and enrich

Once you've sent your sample test point, refresh your Clay window and use the Received Data to extract email address into a new column.

Now, any new email signups will automatically stream into your table in this format 🙌

4. Add an email enrichment action

Click the Add Action button to find the People Data Labs Enrich Person action or Clearbit Enrich Person & Company action. Bind it to Twitter Username or URL and watch Clay find key information for every new email like location, LinkedIn and more.

5. Stream straight into Slack

  1. Click the Add Action button to find the Slack Send Slack Notification to Channel action and auth in to your workspace.

  2. Set up your action to select workspace and channel, include the fields you'd like to receive in Slack, and run 🏃🏽‍♀️

<aside> ⭐ Learn more about using formulas as inputs in the Clay Formulas Cheat Sheet
