Your early readers are your believers. Discover exactly who your Substack subscribers are and gain insight into your community.

1. Export your Substack subscribers

Get started by navigating over to your Substack account. Head to Dashboard, Subscribers and hit export list to download a CSV of your mailing list.

2. Import your list into Clay

Head on over to Clay, pop open a blank template, and click Import to upload your .csv.

3. Add some email focused actions to get started

There are a couple of actions you can use to enrich emails. We suggest checking out People Data Labs Enrich Email action to enhance your subscriber data, using email as input.

<aside> 🙋🏽‍♀️ People Data Labs comes included with Clay, but if you have a Clearbit key feel free to add the action to your table, too.


4. Extract your most important attributes

Pull the information most important to you like linkedin, company, and location as columns in your table.


Try out some small additions we've seen in the Clay community.

1️⃣ Clean up your table